Looking Back at the Tiny House Competition
In October 2016, Greenport Designs helped the Santa Clara University team compete in the Tiny House Competition and won! The competition was hosted by the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) at California State University, Sacramento. Along with the Santa Clara team, 11 other collegiate teams from California competed.
The crowd waiting to see our Tiny House
Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) hosted the Tiny House Competition on October 10-15, 2016 at California State University, Sacramento.
Competition is meant to promote energy awareness, solar technology, green building construction techniques and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Architecture, and Math) development in young adults.
Judged on four categories: architecture, energy efficiency, communications, and home life.
Greenport Designs worked with the Santa Clara University team on their rEvolve House - performing all the woodworking, cabinetry installation.
Santa Clara won the competition. Competed against 11 other schools in the Northern California region.